
THORWART LectureForum

Nuremberg "Joint liability of parties involved in construction projects."

The question of the joint liability of parties involved in the construction work always arises for a customer of construction services if he receives a defective work performance and several of the contractors employed have jointly caused the defect to arise. This is not only possible in the case of typical interface problems, but also in a large number of other cases, be it within the scope of the sequence of trades or that the contractor carrying out the construction work negligently failed to recognize an error in the planning made available to him or violated obligations to inspect and provide information.

Affected contractors may, after being held liable by the client, indemnify the other jointly liable parties involved in the construction. In this context, it is important to correctly assess liability quotas and prevent risks of limitation. The speaker Ulrike Vestner will outline how to deal with this complex matter and give examples from current case law.


08:00 - 08:30 Uhr Small snack

08:30 - 09:30 Uhr Lecture