Establishment -
Ideas make up the future
Many successful entrepreneurs start with a good idea. But an idea alone is not enough. Start-ups need a sensible balance between creativity and legal requirements. Digi Anyone who fails to think about, for example, corporate structures, financing and industrial property rights at an early stage can soon reach limits in terms of participation structures, liquidity and trademark protection.
Start-up funding for independence - financing
Most founders are dependent on outside help in matters of financing. On the one hand to get their idea off the ground, on the other hand to finance later growth steps.
Equity capital and outside capital are available for company financing. The relationship between these two financing components depends on the phase of the company and the business model. Many start-ups have a range of options for corporate financing, which have various advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are subsidies where some things have to be taken into account for the application to be successful. This is a fundamental question that a (new) entrepreneur should ask himself: Am I willing to share my business with an investor?
The question of the form of incorporation
At the beginning of establishing a company, there is also the question of choosing the "right" legal form. And this is not an easy decision, after all the choice of legal entity brings with it legal, economic and tax consequences. It is also a question of liability.
New entrepreneurs have the choice between various forms of sole ownership, partnerships and corporations. Sole owners are liable with their private assets. Partnerships consist of at least two persons who are also liable with their private assets. Founders can set up a corporation alone or with several people. The liability is limited to the capital brought into the company.
Protection of the business idea
Their ideas are the foundation of the business for most of the founders. For this reason it is important to protect the business idea so that only the entrepreneur benefits from his idea. In the long term, it should ultimately secure him a competitive advantage. For this purpose, there are various protective rights options. On the commercial side, entrepreneurs can register a patent, utility model, design patent or trademark as well as a design. An idea can also be protected by confidentiality. This is important if several people come into contact with the concept in the start-up phase, whether for consulting or financing reasons. In any case, if, for example, a confidant publishes the product, service or design in advance, a patent application is impossible and the founder does not receive protection through industrial property rights.
THORWART as founding partner
THORWART is your value-based partner for elaborate consulting and sustainable solutions. Together with you, we take the path to independence. In the fields of law, tax, auditing but also in management consultancy and real estate management, we are your committed partner for your successful start.
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